Is travel in 2020 a complete write off?

As the world is slowly returning to a new normal, many people are waiting to hear about when we can jump on a plane and lie on a beach with a strawberry daiquiri. We use to travel for escapism, a way to leave our worries behind and get a break from the stresses of everyday life, it's why we all love our holidays and count them down. Now more than ever, we want to escape and get some of that normality but will travel be the stress-free life that we knew before COVID-19? I personally don't think so, everything we are experiencing in our home country, the dream locations for holidays are also experiencing it. Planes will be different, hotels, beaches, restaurants, nightlife and day excursions from cities will all be very different for the foreseeable future. 

As we return to our new normal, travel outside of my country has not been an option in my mind and I personally can't envision myself travelling (unless in cases of emergency) until mid to late 2021 at the earliest. When I first thought of not travelling outside of the country I was deflated. I viewed it as never being able to go on holidays until 2021 at the earliest ( who knows, it could be even longer!) but what a silly thought that was. 

I personally was always so quick and eager to explore the world outside of Ireland, never appreciating exactly what I had in front of me. There are so many beautiful parts of Ireland that I never considered going before, and now that is the plan foreseeable future. I want to get out and see as much of my beautiful country as possible. Deciding that my travel plan for 2020 is to go for day trips and drives around Ireland made the perfect sense to me, by doing this I am also spending my money into Irish tourism, into Irish businesses who will need it now more than ever. 

I'm excited to see more of Ireland if there is any place, in particular, you think I should go please leave it in the comments( especially hidden spots, or "off the beaten track" kind of places. I'm slowly looking at different places and hoping to make a top 5 places that I want to visit. 

*If you are considering doing the same, please ensure you are still adhering to the guidelines. Keep your distance & use face coverings in busy places. Remember to wash your hands regularly, and cover coughs & sneezes. Please stay safe. Although guidelines are easing and life is slowly going into a new normal, the virus has not disappeared. Let us do our best to ensure it doesn't get a second wave*

Thank you for reading, 
Until next time,
That's not Bec,
