What is love for me?

Image by minie
We all have different experiences of love, different people that we love. Is love something that can be broken? If you love someone, where does the love go when you break up?
When I was a teenage girl, I remember having a boyfriend and I was convinced I loved him but did I love him or did I love how he made me feel?

At times in my life, I have been insecure enough that I have needed the love of someone else and when they left I was traumatised and inconsolable, thinking that I no longer deserved love and many other negative things. I realised that I was looking for happiness, love and acceptance from other people, instead of looking for it within myself. 
I would never have loved myself, I would never have been able to think of something good about myself or anything interesting I could do. I would have just kept myself in a little box, too afraid to show the real me in fear that someone would stand up and say no that's not Bec and I don't love you like this. 
happiness, love myself, and love image

Self-love is difficult, but it is the best love you can have. When you love yourself, you finally feel accepted and free to be who you are. 

But now that I am (slowly) learning to love myself and accept who I am I'm finally letting myself out of that little box. 

Love is an amazing thing, but you don't need someone else in order to feel it. Be your own best friend, love yourself wholely, accept your flaws but don't dwell on them, nobody is perfect.
Books I recommend to begin your self-love journey: 
Sinead Hegarty's Ebook on Relationships- This Ebook is just amazing for relationships and love in general. 
Good Vibes, Good life by Vex King
What I Know for Sure by Oprah Winfrey.

Until next time my lovelies, 
That's not Bec,
