We need to do better

I've tried to write about what's going on in the world, but I don't know where to begin. I don't know what to say and every time I try, I get angry and upset because this is not how the world should be.
Disclaimer: I refer to individuals by using the terms "white people" & "black people". I don't mean to offend anyone by using these terms, I only did it for this article, to me, people are people no matter the skin colour.
Two babies born at the same time, in the same hospital just rooms apart should have the same fighting chance but they don't and why? Because one has a privilege they didn't even ask for and one has to learn that because of there skin colour they are going to face so many more hardships. 
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I've seen white people comment that "white privilege" is not a thing but it is. White privilege allows us not to think about our colour and the benefits we get from simply being white.
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We get to educate ourselves on racism instead of experiencing it, that's white privilege. 
Black people have been oppressed for centuries and it is horrific. They have to work harder to be recognised and have to be extra cautious in fear of being perceived and judged wrongly. Black people face daily challenges that white people never experience. We will never understand what it is like to face racism and all the horrific things that black people are subjected too. We can't imagine or even begin to understand half of the pain and hurt they've experienced, but we can stop ignoring it, instead, notice it and attempt to do better. 
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As a society we have been ignorant to racism for too long, we accept racism and sometimes pretend that it doesn't exist in countries because it is not at the same degree of brutality in other countries. That is not okay anymore, we need to do better and fight alongside our other friends on this planet against racism. 
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We need to call out our peers and family members for racist comments, including subtle remarks. It's up to us to educate the next generation and make them realise that the colour of your skin does not make you any less of a person. 
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Many of us don't know what to do, many of us have been turning to our friends of colour to help educate us but that's not their job. They've dealt with racism there whole life, they've lost family members, friends from racism and they should not have to educate their white peers on this. We have to do that for ourselves. 

TV Shows & Films to watch:

The 13th
When they see us 
Murder to Mercy- The Cyntoia Brown Story
The Help
Time: The Kalief Browder Story

Books to read:

Me and White Supremacy
White Fragility 
Women, Race & Class
So you want to talk about Race
Sign Petitions, support black people in all aspects of your life, share what you read or what you find if you have money and can afford to donate then please do.

Other informative articles on this subject that are worth reading on how you can help :

This issue won't be solved over-night, and I do hope that in weeks/months/years to come people are still discussing this and learning and supporting black people because they deserve so much more than what they have been given. They've been fighting for themselves for too long, let us join them in their fight and support them to get what they finally deserve. 
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And finally, please remember to be kind to each other, this is something new for people so don't be cruel to someone if they get something wrong, lets help support everyone in this and bring awareness to this matter but nicely and kindly. People will get things wrong at times, but if they are educating themselves and trying to do better, then support and help them(give them information that can inform them accurately if they have gotten something wrong). Please be kind to everyone, lets stand together, everyone no matter what colour you are. 
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This is just someone who is trying to be better and has hope the world can be better for the people who deserve it most, thank you for reading and if my opinions/views have upset or offended you then I apologise, that was never my intention. These are just my feelings and thoughts that I wanted to share. Thank you for reading. 
That's not Bec
